Often home owners think about selling their current home before making a move. This could be for various reasons, like finances or to simplify life. No matter what the reason, a seniors real estate specialist can work with you to help create a marketing plan that helps expedite your move and gives you the power to take your future into your own hands.
There will most likely be a lot of planning to do, like repairing or extensive cleaning of your home and getting it ready for sale, as well as what you will bring from your old home to your new one and this is also where SRES can help.
Local allied professionals can also help you every step of the way. A SRES agent can also stay with you throughout the whole process and afterward, to ensure that you are properly looked after to help ensure that your moving experience is as stress-free as possible and later that you are settling well into your new home.
An SRES consultant will want to ensure that you have the best move-experience possible. They can arrange an appraisal or a formal valuation of your property and help you decide on a realistic price for it to be marketed. This then will give you the confidence to then purchase a new home or abode at a price you can afford. They will then work to ensure that your property is appropriately exposed to the market and bring the settlement dates together within a comfortable time frame to each other so you only have to move once.
A Seniors Real Estate Specialist is a trained professional in retirement services and will take you through the whole process of how relocating goes – for example;
We will be happy to talk you through any questions you might have.