When the time comes to consider what type of accommodation will best suit the ‘next phase’ in life, one of the options is a Lifestyle or Retirement Village. There are a number of providers of Retirement Villages, and there are considerable differences from one to another. What are the benefits of life in a Retirement Village?
One of the most common reasons that a person may decide that a change in environment is imminent is their health concerns. This could be post a health trauma or simply gradually failing health and wellbeing. A Village environment provides peace of mind, knowing that 24/7 assistance is available if required.
Another common motivator for change is increasing home maintenance requirements. It can be concerning when one can see things that need to be done to the family home and the costs and the ability to do so becoming more and more of a problem. A Retirement Village environment provides the security of knowing that all home maintenance is done by the Village maintenance staff, everything from changing a light globe to fixing the roof!
Many residents of Retirement Villages chose this lifestyle because of their need to feel secure. Seniors often feel vulnerable and welcome an environment that is gated or monitored. No only does this bring peace of mind to the resident, but also to their families, who need to know that their loved ones are safe. It is also reassuring to know that, as one ages, most services can be accessed, as required, directly to the resident. This may include meals, medical assistance, shopping and personal needs – showering etc.
If you can relate to any of these issues and are concerned that they may pose a problem for you, either now, or in the future, then life in a Retirement Village may be perfect for you.
The dramatic increase in the number of Australians turning 65 over in the next 20 years is now an established demographic fact. Australian Treasury projects a doubling of the seniors’ population by 2050, with an economically significant reduction in the ratio of taxpayers to retirees.
To support this growth there needs to be a large corresponding increase in the amount of purpose-built housing, so that the 8.1 million Australians who will be over 65 by 2050 continue to have the choice, independence and autonomy that they expect
and deserve.
Currently about 184,000 Australians live in retirement villages, or 5.7 per cent of the over 65 population. This penetration rate is projected to increase to 7.5 per cent in 2025. The increased rate, combined with the increase in the seniors’ population, means that there will be approximately 382,000 people wanting to live in a retirement village in 2025. This is more than double the 184,000 residents currently calling a retirement village home. As such, a large amount of investment will be needed in the sector in coming years.
The private and not for profit sectors can play a larger role in meeting the needs of senior Australians. The people who invest in and create retirement villages in particular have an integral role in building age-friendly communities, which are often a social and service hub outside the community too.
Retirement villages offer a range of services and supports to their residents, many which can be found in this website.
For more information about lifestyles or to find a retirement village click here – ‘Seniors Housing Online‘
A Seniors Real Estate Specialist – SRES® will be happy to discuss village options with you, and can direct you to someone who will be able to assist you in finding your new home in a Retirement Village.